Certainty3D TopoDOT 2021.1.1


Certainty3D TopoDOT 2021.1.1

We are proud to announce the official release of TopoDOT x64 Version 2021.1 for MicroStation CONNECT Update 15+. Please download and install the latest release to stay up to date with our newest developments. Downloads can be found from the link below or at the Downloads page.
Important Notes Regarding Update Compatibility

TopoDOT 2021.1 is compatible with all approved CONNECT products, including Open Roads Designer (ORD) 2021 (Version which runs on Bentley’s MS Update 16 engine.   

TopoDOT 64-Bit Version 2021.1 for Microstation Connect or similar

We are constantly striving to improve your TopoDOT experience. Many of you will find your comments, suggestions and ideas implemented in some way. TopoDOT represents the collective experience, knowledge, and innovation of all our users. You have in us a place where your comments are heard, your ideas respected, and your innovations implemented whenever possible.
What’s New?

There are many new features and tool enhancements in this release. This will not cover the updates pushed in the last beta release. If you would like to learn more about the updates made in the last beta release, please watch the TopoDOT 2021.1 Beta Update Webinar. You can see all changes made throughout all releases on our update log.
Data Management

New smart polygon option added to the Generate Tiles from Path tool! Previously, tiling creation at residential areas with many intersections would create odd shapes around complex sites. With the smart polygon option, tiles are intelligently created around intersecting tiles, resulting in cleaner tile polygons which means less time spent fixing odd shapes! See a short video here.

Smart Polygon option used to Generate Tiles from Path on a complex site

Another data management update is the option to use Point Source ID in the Random Noise Filter tool. With this new option the tool can identify clusters of data that don’t share points between two scan positions (moving targets) so you can easily remove noise from cars, people, noise from rain, etc. See a short video here.
